Guess I skipped mentioning the last couple of releases. Oh well. The next one is tentatively titled "Albeido". Wanted to have it done in time for the next Bandcamp Friday. However I still have yet to even construct the artwork, much less finish the never ending mix.
Putting the final touches on an electrical upgrade to the van. Now have 4 batteries in the battery bank. Breakers on most of them, and larger, better connectored cables to the AC inverter. Can pretty much power a small band off of my van now.
Rounding the corner on a new NSV release. "Measurement of the Vastness" finds NSV exploring ambient, slower tempos, less melodic avenues and much less emphasis on beats and patterns. Great driving music, when you are leaving behind your former life, with no direction on the horizon. We anticipate a November 4th release. Also in the pipeline are 2 mostly finished collections of work. "Biological Radio" and "Extra Galactic Background Light".
Spent the entire summer just mitigating heat. I should have taken advantage of the dry and consistent weather to get some things done, but I get lazy when it's above 95. So here I am rushing to get a bunch of wood cut, sanded, stained and sealed. While I struggle to finish one more wall mounted bin. I suppose I did get the solar up and running and a little side table mounted as well during the heatly doldrums. Still I find space to be disappointed in myself.
NSV is putting the finishing touches on 3 upcoming releases. Biological Radio Extragalactic Background Light Measurement of the Vastness In parallel we are working on getting the Tal Shiar debut wrapped up, but still are not quite happy with the “guitar” sound. So that is 4 releases hitting your digital shelves before the winter solstice is upon us.
During the last year we have fled the disease riddled termite mound. The Work has slowed down. But it continues none-the-less. In the near future NSV will be releasing a new LP. Provisionally titled “Measurement of the Vastness”. We have also founded a 2nd project, Tal Shiar. This revisits our early fixation on heavy music. For no other reason than to enjoy the exploration of a project within stylistic limits.
The last month has been quite a blur. Finished up our latest release,"Vesfrodrenical". A 5 song EP now live on iTunes Bandcamp and wherever fine digital music is sold. While simultaneously dismantling production space number 11 and putting it all in storage. Along with a whole apartment full of stuff. Bought a big van and started converting it into a camper van. Long term goal is to be living in the van, traveling and making music. Maybe play out again?
NSV has realeased a music video for "Law of this Country" from the EP "No Body" on Answering Machine Records. 7 minutes of Hickory smoked electro-doom.
NSV Music Video almost finished testing and evaluation. Quality assurance is very picky.
We've initiated yet another 5 year plan apparently. Currently we have refreshed the website. Burnishing the edges of the design, while restructuring the backend. We've also gotten on the https bandwagon. Securing both this site and Anmach with SSL. This is on the way to the party of getting NSV on to Spotify and Apple Music. So we are playing catch up on the whole marketing, releasing stuff workflow.
The production space is no more. Conditions at the facility had spiraled out of control after Covid. Sanitation was haphazard. Ther was no enforcement of Covid prophylactic measures. No longer did I feel that my equipment was secure. On several occasions individuals attempted to enter the production space. Also, I felt that physical alterations were a possibility. Not that I am afraid of being hurt. Rather, I am not comfortable with mutilating or causing pain to people. And this is the inevitable result of physical conflict. I have unfortunately never learned how to half-fight. There is only not fighting, and all the way fighting. I'm either hugging you or killing you. Perhaps this is a personality defect. However, tactically it is hard to argue against. The production space was somewhat of a squandering of resources. While there was some work on creative projects accomplished. Due to the scale of imagination, we spent an awful lot of time just setting up in the space. Trying to arrange equipment and furniture to make it just right. Time that could have been spent creating more lasting work. The new space is better, acoustically. However, due to residential limitations I am no longer able to enjoy SPL as I was at the prior location.
Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck. So after putting in a ton of work. A metric ton of work. A metric fuck ton of work. To set up my studio and office space, I am back to working from home. Plans for retail releases this year are all in the trash can. Like so many others I am scrambling to nail down living arrangements and secure my finances. In the mean time I've picked up a cute little reverb pedal and one of those nifty Elektron keyboards with the Synth bit hanging off the left side like a tumor. A lot of artists are releasing statements of unity or imploring you to wash your hands. Instead I will admonish you to be vigilant. Mind your government. Mind the well being of your neighbors.
Of course. I had a lot of very tightly scheduled plans for the new year. The exact number of trips it takes to transfer the beating heart of my production system from my crowded bedroom to a slightly larger dedicated studio space. Then I get the flu. Isn't the flu shot supposed to prevent this? Spent NYE and the first week of the new year curled up in a ball. My right arm still aches. So the studio is only half done and I'm halfway through my second month. On a positive note, I've been meeting people and forging new alliances. Looking forward to creating some collaborative work again. Even though I am a multiinstrumentalist. I can only play at most, 2 things at once. Bringing one or more people into environment opens up many more possibilities. Now I just need to figure out exactly which iteration of Ritalin Lab this studio will fall under. I think it's Ritalin lab #7?
Two fucking thirds of the way through the month and Drywall McBoatface has not finished the soundproofing treatments in the new Answering Machine Records Global HQ. The gentlemen was even so trusting as to leave his tools, ladders and supplies in my studio with a cute little heap of garbage in the middle of the floor. With about 20 minutes more work to do. So I am going to sell his gear on the internet and keep one ladder so I can paint the ceiling. Looks like I'll be spending Christmas week painting walls and mounting cable channels. Hopefully I will be able to hire a mover to get my current studio relocated in one trip to the new space. I have already transported as much as I can via subway!
Very enthusiastic about our new production space within Rockwall Studios in Ridgewood. The first new piece of studio gear will be a coffee machine. Does anyone make such in Eurorack?
Working full steam ahead. May not make this years deadline, but we will have mass quantities of merch in the near future. First, we are getting vinyl and cassettes made for our analog purists. Second, and more immediate, we will be releasing some more recent work from NSV on limited digital media. T-Shirts, stickers and other surprises will be online, for sale in the next couple of months. Probably not in time for your Christian midwinter pagan ritual.
Another Music Video.
A Music Video.
It's been two hectic weeks since the last update on this project. Pieces are in place. It just takes a while to physically edit literally hundreds of little blips and cuts. And then do all the fun post effects. We have to admit our attention has been divided with the music production efforts consuming a lot of spare time.
New music video about to be released for the new track 'Action' by Null Static Void from the forthcoming album. It's a shattering track combining elements of post-punk, metal and industrial. Just a few final touches and it shall be up on the YouTube in the next few days.
Several major obstacles have been overcome! We've recently fixed an issue preventing us from fully utilizing all the input channels on our studio mixing desk. Now that we can get all those noises out of the box and into the mixer (then back in to the box), we are powerless to lay blame elsewhere. Finished one mixdown for a track tentatively titled "Lettuce". Began work on the next. This allows us to get back on track with the release schedule we had initially set for this year. Also have resolved a problem with the video workflow. So expect updated video released, for the first time in over a year. A graphic redesign is under way to herald the releases we anticipate in what remains of this year.
Kind of let down that none of these rack effects boxes have midi clock sync? Suppose I jumped to the conclusion that tempo sync would be important to people in the 90's. Oh well, still doing tempo to Msec conversions like a caveman. That said, it's a different thing to use a rackmount reverb and aux sends, instead of a plugin. No longer have infinite options. Just the 3 reverbs and 3 returns. The Roland gets put down a lot for not being as good as it's older brother. But I particularly like it. Though that could just be that my ears are accustomed to the Quadraverb, so this sounds like a Rolls Royce in comparison.
Forgotten how hard working in the analog domain can be. Even when using a computer as your 'tape deck'. Wish that once the computer is doing whatever it is supposed to do, I could just freeze it in amber forever. Sadly this is not practical. And the cursed bitbox rarely gets me back to the same place I left it. I speak computer, and this is one capricious piece of shit. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We will make this work. Nothing is going to pass through until it passes through this desk, and back again. Get out your fucking sharpie and mark my words.
Have taken receipt of the digital media that will contain the first quarter 2019 release. Working on the packaging concept and execution. Long story short. I think we are going with some form of candle, with the media embedded within. Which will be a theme of the rest of our releases for 2019. This is going to be handmade. Limited batches due to the amount of work. We will attempt to keep the cost reasonable.
I've recently lost someone very close to me. The last 3 years were always going in this direction. But the last month it just came too fast. We are left trying to make sense of her life and find something positive in this mess. I'm having a hard time dealing with all of the external pressures and conflicts. As is my usual method. When I can't deal with externalities, I re-organize what I can of myself. Recently bought a quite large audio mixer. A 24 channel Soundtracs Solo. Also picked up a few rack reverbs and stuff. So be assured that pretty much everything Null Static Void in 2019 will be mixed analog even if recorded digital. I'm dialing this shit in right now in my little bedroom and it's pretty solid. Might be open to doing some other peoples stuff here. Collaborations? Oh yeah, and all my stuff this year is going to be personal therapy dealing with loss, pain and anger.
Equipment maintenance is one of those little tasks that we take pride in. However, we are neither professional or a highly experienced amateur. Rather we came up from poverty and by necessity learned how to fix cables, guitars and eventually more complex things. Solder is solder and screws are screws. Well our overconfidence, as it so often does, came back at us fast. Looks like our Machinedrum is down for the count. May end up buying another, or going back in for a final thoracic procedure. In the meantime we will have to just switch gears and finish a few things instead. Yes, it has been a little while since a video was dropped. So that is next up. Also, there are about a dozen half finished tunes that already have drums. So there is that!
Okay enough whining. Time to get on this horse and ride. There are going to be a few changes around here. First off, we are going to start being more disciplined about the social media. NSV and ANSMACH accounts are going to be fairly silent except for explicit updates about work in progress, events and releases. Also. This is the year I just start putting shit out. Recently had a pretty fucking savage birthday. Along with the typical wrestling with mortality that seizes me this time of year, I managed to have a minor epiphany. We are going to start putting out some recorded products. The packaging is going to be off the fucking wall. I anticipate having some trouble getting this shit distributed. But at this point I do not give a fuck. I may stick to limited editions of 50 or 100 for the first couple of releases. Largely as I do not want to litter up my meager storage space with too many embarassing boxes. To be clear, I am not intent on releasing product in order to garner acclaim or income. I doubt either are forthcoming. Instead the primary goal is to preserve my various projects in a form which exists outside of my computer and web hosting. So that at some point in the future someone can find one of my recordings at a garage sale or in an abandoned warehouse, secure a suitable playback device as appropriate. And wonder who this troubled wierdo was. With that in mind, the packaging is being designed with intent of long term archival storage. If the end consumer opts to listen to the product instead, they may have to damage the packaging in a non-repariable way. Some of these concepts will result in a large mess. So warning labels may need to be printed. Wish us luck. Buy our merch.
Working on prototypes of our packaging designs. Henceforth all our stuff is going to be packaging oriented. Guess that is how many mediocre brands have prevailed in the marketplace. And Mediocre is our specialty. We've deigned to present a few preliminary sketches for your enjoyment. Dharma willing, we'll see a few of these to fruition in 2019. Don't worry if you are not into the heavy thing-ness of these objects. We are also setting up digital content distribution as well. So our apathetic admirers can get a dose of gibberish in their digital memory hole. Substantial persons can purchase a less fungible item with which to support our endeavors
The approach that we have evolved is intentionally satirical and messy. At the same time we want the consumer to receive somthing of value. An object with inherent thing-ness. Batch produced, not mass produced.
The information age, or should we say post-information age has rendered music publishing an ephemeral process. Leaving the consumer with only the ones and zeroes representing a facsimile of the product. There is no new vinyl smell, or the nostalgia and glee which the subtle off-gassing of freshly printed items invoke.
Kung Fu literally means long study or 'achievement of man'. In its original meaning, kung fu can refer to any discipline or skill achieved through hard work and practice, not just martial arts. The Chinese literal equivalent of "Chinese martial art" would be 中国武术 zhōngguó wǔshù. I guess you could say I am a master of the Kung Fu of multitasking and getting nothing fucking done. Or more accurately, when I have set my mind on doing something like setting a table for dinner. I will start by learning how to build a table. Then I must source the proper wood so I digress into arborculture. Once the wood is cured and planed, the table crafted and the tableware forged, spun or kilned. I’ll make the goddamned table. Don’t nag me. So yeah I guess you could say a few schedules are slipping as I learn to incorporate yet another piece of software, hardware and musical instrument into the hive. Plus, I work for a living.
Having a pointy, angular weekend. Last night came within inches of finishing the vid for 'Cloaca'. However as per usual, there was a 1am epiphany which required a ripple edit. Maybe I burn some of that midnight oil I am always hearing about and push this one into the memory hole of Youtube by Sunday. You will be enthused by the results, doubtless. I update this site infrequently, my jetsetting life of toil, frustration and loneliness tying up the majority of my time. Follow Null Static Void on twitter for timely announcements of shows, and other creative endeavors.
Okay here is the long anticipated plan. Physical stuff that you can hold in your hands. By the end of the fucking year. Just in time for whatever passes for a holiday in your household. Because this digital existence is ephemeral and transitory, not unlike the meatspace life of toil. Some day we will step off of this escalator on to the mezzanine of existence. And spend eternity in the food court of death. The greatest goal that can be imagined is that at some distant point in the future. When the internet is laughably retro. A young person will find some tangible artifact of AnsMachRec at a garage sale. And with some diligence, a playback device on which to enjoy. And be disappointed. This is taking longer to achieve than anticipated, as usual. This is all out of pocket. And if one thing is true, it's that I suck at money stuff. Don't fret. Don't add my burden to yours. The Autumn months are upon us. This is when I am most industrious and least likely to have fuck all else to do.
We watched a lot of futbol. Went to the beach. During a low point there was a flash of disco and a hint of cheap nose candy. Red leader managed to correct our trajectory. We stay on target. During this moment of clarity we realized; it's been almost a year? Oh shit! The work continues.
the reality shattering debut of NSV's next epoch has not, as planned, derailed the world economy. This is unfortunate. We have no other plans in terms of earning a living in the conventional fashion.
The official Twitter dot com account for Answering Machine Recordings can be found at @anmach. This is not going to be a terribly chatty social media account. But will be the go to place for news on new releases, merch and appearances.
Speaking with management at several venues. A press conference detailing the direction of future releases will be held in the most appropriate space. Some short demonstration will be given to elaborate on the concepts presented.
as the electronic representation of your consciousness fades into the microwave background radiation. Take some consolation that you live on in the memories of those around you.
Short hiatus, stuff broken. When you are doing everything yourself, it takes ...well it takes twice as long. Even with coffee.
Recent updates to a pair of projects from last year. We have just finished wrapping up the packaging and mastering. Tying it up nice with a virtual bow.
Re-vamped the gallery pages wich showcase my amateur photography. Previously they had been static HTML which was shoved around by some JavaScript. Now they are PHP pulling from MYSQL. Still using Fancybox and Quicksand to shove around the thumbnails and full size images. Which is much more elegant and maintainable for adding new content. As well as further extending features.
Been super busy bringing some new stuff to fruition. Have a fresh batch of tunes ready to unload. Put together a couple of sniffy new videos. Developing a new site, which will be soft launched in the next month. busy busy.So I guess I gotta backannounce this ish.
Hey! It's like our own version of CNN with a pinch of 1990 MTV.
If you are't paranoid, it's because you are drinking the fluoride.
The pressure on the subject's environment creates psycho-sexual side effects which manifest as psychosis.
When warfare becomes a commonplace mundane reality, our fictional protagonist is easily indoctrinated into a violent extremist mindset. A tasteful soundtrack of guitar, bass and drums is pushed up to the edge of sanity to underscore our hero's pitiable journey. Footage from Brooklyn, Oakland and San Francisco (circa 2003) is featured.
Mean spirited electronic doom. Composed entirely of synthetic instruments, and composed entirely when I was living out of my car for a few months in 2015. The visuals are likewise comprised of synthetic elements. Though they originated in mundane items that you can literally find in any kitchen. Not happy in an existential sense, but satisfied with the results.
A triptych of face melting doom noise. Three short sludge snacks. Unleavened by such pretensions as vocals,lyrics or conceptual aspiration. Just low and hell bent. Underlining the audio portion of a three course meal are accompanying selections from the Ted Cruz for Senate youtube channel. With some tasteful mangling and caressing to render the footage more palatable for our sensitive viewers.
Finished another new NSV music video. The visuals are a good fit to the audio portion. Being equally as abstract and visually 'atonal' as the musical composition which it helps to present. This abstract video is the result of borrowing a video projector, some chroma keying and a few other fun tricks. Yours truly even makes an appearance.
Just about done with a new NSV music video. The result should be quite good. We are very proud of this work. We are combining a sludgy older track of NSV which was discovered on a forgotten hard drive. The footage is foraged from the infamous Ted Cruz superPac provided video. This is YouTube license video which means that anyone can use it.
the front page of my site after, what has it been, 5 years? Time flies when you are working hard. Some patches of the site are still kind of rough. I am using sub-sections and sub-domains to experiment with various technologies. The sub-domain features some offbeat music I have been working on over the years. The CMS is Wordpress running a heavily modified version of the 2014 default theme.